
This Sucks - Fangirls and Fanboys.

2018-02-02 4 Dailymotion

Lifes Good - Fangirls and Fanboys is a video about an international terrorist group that plans on destroying the lives of millions to even billions of human beings that dont worship the same person as they do.\r
I talk about LeafyisHere, RiceGum, Jacob Sartorius, Cameron Dallas, and Justin Bieber fans specifically because they are the most notorious for their disgusting behavior towards anyone that differs in opinion from them. I ually used to get bullied and insulted from Justin Bieber fans in school, anytime I met a fangirl, I was met with Oh youre not Justin, get out of my fucking way. and shit like that. By the way, if youre a fan of any of these people but not obsessive or overly defending of them, then youre one of the good guys, but if youre a dickrider, well. as long as youre not mean about it, then Im okay with you too.\r
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My vagina squirts in the wake of all of the following idols:\r
Anon, KOOSMOOSE, bbomg02 (Your fav loser), Ryan Dugan, SkyyeFall, DanTheComedicMan, Louis Hoang Nguyen, Ryan Ward, David Supernor, Dick Magician, Nathan Jacobs, Luis Rosario, Simone Andersen, Alek Hauge, Comrade_Slav, Royal Apocalyptic, Thatsslyf, Henry Wiggins, Pluvio, Thnyan, Kendra Bordner, Morbid Sanity, Daniel Lundgren, V Chive, Michael Yanez, Kyah Project. ♥\r
Video - \r
♥ Drawings by \r
Audio -\r
♥ Royalty Free Jingle (modified)\r
♥ Jeremy Soule - Skyrim Atmospheres (modified)\r
♥ Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster (modified)\r
If I used your source material and did not credit you, email me and I will add your link to the description. (You can find my email in the About Section of my channel.)\r
♥ I added some new effects, but they may be too intense.\r
♥ I didnt express enough at the beginning that this video only applies for the crazies, not the sane fangirls and fanboys and it may hurt what you see in the video if you consider yourself in a fandom.\r
If I make any more mistakes, please leave a comment on what it was and how I can do better. (Only applies for recent uploads, I cant go back to every comment section and see what goes on.)\r
♥ Im max.\r
♥ MamaMax.\r
♥ Monday - Hell / Dear Dumbass / Get a Job\r
♥ Saturday - Life Sucks / Lifes Good / Video Vigilante\r
♥ Thank you for reading the description you stupid piece of shit.