
What is Mutual Funds in Hindi ? | Stock Market vs Mutual Fund | How to invest in INDIA

2018-01-31 2 Dailymotion

Mutual Funds Sahi Hai ?\r
This video will explain you every things related to mutual funds. Is it really Safe in India ?\r
How it differ from traditional investment schemes like Saving Account, FD, RD, Gold & Share Market.\r
Queries Solved:\r
1) What is Mutual Funds ?\r
2) How to invent into Mutual Funds in Hindi\r
3) What are the return of investment (ROI) in Mutual Funds\r
4) Share or Stock Market Vs Mutual Funds\r
5) Top 5 Mutual Fund Company List\r
6) Mutual Fund is Safe or not in india ?\r
7) Mutual Funds Investment Details\r
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