
【ゴルフ】FBS女子プロチャレンジゴルフ 2017 フェニックスカントリークラブ 住吉コース 2017 上田桃子プロ、イ ボミプロ、木戸愛プロ、 笠りつ子がラウンド!

2018-01-29 51 Dailymotion

上田桃子プロ、イボミプロ、笠りつ子プロ、木戸愛プロの豪華!美女ゴルファーの華麗な技と美の競艶 賞金総額450万をかけた真剣勝負のスキンズマッチ
10回目となる今大会には、前回大会初出場初優勝の上田桃子プロ、第8回大会のイ ボミプロ、第7回大会優勝の木戸愛プロと歴代の優勝者に加え、国内女子ツアー通算5勝の実力者 笠りつ子プロが初参戦! 歴代優勝者に挑みます。

Momoko Ueda pro, LeeBoMeepro, Ritsuko Ryu, Megumi Kido gorgeous! Beautiful golfer 's brilliant skill and beauty' s competitive prize money Total of 4.5 million Skin 's match against serious
In the 10th time this tournament, in addition to the first victory champion Ueda Momoko Pro, the 8th tournament winning Ivomipro, the 7th tournament winner Kimoto Ai Pro and the successive winners, the domestic women's tour total 5 Ritsuko Kaka pros who won the victory first participated in the war! I will challenge the successive winners.


The total prize money is 4.5 million yen. A high-level serious fight that domestic women's top professional will unfold. The peaceful atmosphere at the start gradually increases the sense of tension and the last is .... Which pros will be shining above the prosperous crown of the 10th tournament! What?

【ゴルフ】フェニックスカントリークラブ 住吉コース

Phoenix Country Club Sumiyoshi course