My subscribers have the best hair! \r
This is a highly requested video featuring all my length retention secrets. Its a long, chatty one so get your notebook out! Please let me know which of these tips youd like to see further explained in a future video! Some of the clips are from a show I used to be on in Maastricht, called BreakingMaas, check it out here: \r
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This is my favourite straightener: \r
Discount code - IrresistibleAsha\r
Realistic Kinky-Straight wig: \r
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These are techniques I used to grow my hair to waistlength – they all focus on a central theme: length retention. I tend not to stress supplements for growth and longer hair simply because the crux of slow growth in our communities is length retention, as opposed to growth. In Black communities, we tend to have more of a problem with length retention than we do with growth. Unfortunately, our hair textures are exceedingly prone to breakage. Mitigating the amount of breakage we face will certainly help, with regard to length retention. The more length we retain, the longer our hair will become. Put simply, growing long natural hair can be reduced to retaining length I.e. not allowing our hair to break off.\r
Retain Length In 4C Natural Hair | 4C Hair Growth Tips | 4C Hair Length Retention | Long 4C Hair | Long Natural hair | How To Grow Long Natural Hair