How To Flirt With A Girl Over Text (with ex texts for you to use) \r
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Do you know how to flirt with a girl over text and get her to want to see you in person right now?\r
In this video, youre going to learn how to send a girl flirty text messages that she likes, word for word examples that you can start using right now, and how to come up with your own flirty text messages. \r
The most important question you need to keep in mind is this: What is my main goal here? [2:03]\r
The best time to start flirting with a girl by text is after youve already gone out with her. [3:18]\r
Use emoticons to soften your teases with her and make your texts more fun and flirty. [4:15]\r
Use statements to say funny things to her to keep her interested and build her attrion to you. [4:55]\r
Give her a cute nickname to have more fun with her; ie. trouble maker, cutie, missy, your own. [7:47]\r
Pictures are a great way to flirt with a girl over text. Send something fun. No dick pics plz. [8:47]\r
When you keep your ultimate goal with her in mind, use emoticons, funny statements, cute nicknames, and interesting pics, to make her smile, shes going to enjoy texting and talking with you. \r
Flirting with a girl over text successfully is knowing how to have fun with your words and images. \r
To your success, \r
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