
I became Lyme-symptom-free using natural supplements mostly.

2018-01-15 23 Dailymotion

Rob Matthies is an inventor and problem-solver in Canada. Rob thanks Dr. Ting Zhang, Eva Sapi PhD, Will Wiegman's postings in LymeNet Europe, Johns Hopkins Lyme website, ILADS science news, Dr. Burrascano's Lyme treatment suggestions, and the Law of Attraction. Thanks, too, to the New York Post for its article on Yolanda Hadid's Lyme treatment failures, which meant, to me, that I would have to find my own cure. People say “wow” as Vancouver's Rob Matthies is one lucky guy because his co-hiker, Julie, didn't manage to get symptom free from Lyme, or Bartonella. Julie chose the standard Western medical treatment while Rob chose to invent, or DIY, his own treatment, based on researching everything he could about Lyme disease and its co-infections, such as Bartonella, Rickettsia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.