Condoleezza Rice joins David Axelrod for the "Axe files". The former Secretary of State talks diplomacy in the age of Trump. Tension with North Korea and her life in politics.
Condoleezza Rice on President Trump's Twitter diplomacy - "I've been no fan of the tweets, the policy by tweets"
Tension with North Korea - "I think Kim Jong Un is turning out actually to be pretty clever".
And the Russia investigation - "The President shouldn't call it 'a hoax'"
Plus the toughest decisions of her career - Iraq etc.
Condoleezza Rice on #MeToo: 'Let's not turn women into snowflakes'
Axelrod asked Rice if she had any advice for Oprah Winfrey amid reports the media titan is "actively thinking" about running for president.
"I would say to Oprah, be sure that you really want to be a politician," Rice said.
43 minutes. Aired on CNN on January 13, 2018
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