
Best First Date Ideas II - Where To Go On A First Date - Take A Girl On A Perfect Date Ideas Part 2

2018-01-08 7 Dailymotion

Best First Date Ideas II | Where To Go On A First Date | Take A Girl On A Perfect Date Ideas Part 2
https://www.makemethatguy.com Make Me That Guy | Men’s Fashion, Dating, Fitness & Nutrition London.

Where to take a girl on a perfect first date part 2! This is part two of our series of videos that we’re doing to help you guys take girls on the perfect first date every time. We hope you enjoyed part one, if you did you'll love part two.

If you haven't seen part one go and watch that first. Here is the link:

Best First Date Ideas I | Where To Go On A First Date | Take A Girl On A Perfect Date Ideas Part 1

This is the second video in this series that I'm making so I hope you can see that there's an underlying theme here. It's not so much what you do or where you take her. It's having that opportunity to connect with her in a different way which will make you stand out from every other guy.

London Escape Rooms:

If you've watched both videos you seriously have no excuse in terms of where to take a girl out on a first, second or even third date.

Watch the video to find out even more places where to take a girl out on a first date.

What do you think of the date ideas in part two of this video series? This is part two and part three will be up soon with more great date ideas. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below..


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Ollie Pearce is a professional model and fashion stylist with over ten years experience in the self-development industry, during which time he has worked with hundreds of clients, giving on- and off-line advice on Fashion, Fitness, Social Skills and Confidence.

The term “That Guy” is a concept not an individual, “That Guy” is who we are at our full potential and “That Guy” is what we push our students towards becoming. He is as successful as he can be in every area of his life, he has success with women, career and has good health.

Make Me That Guy offers help in the following areas:

- Men’s personal shopping and fashion consultation
- Dating and relationship advice
- How to meet women
- Online dating advice
- Photoshoots for online dating profiles and social media
- Fitness and nutrition programmes
- Life coaching

We offer tailored one on one personal sessions in person or over Skype. Visit our website for more information and get in touch to arrange a consultation:

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Make Me That Guy | Men’s Fashion, Dating, Fitness & Nutrition London