This video is about the top 5 cryptocurrency wallets.
Bitconnect :
Bitconnect is an online platform where you can sell, buy or trade your bitcoin. In this system, the members can interact with each other for trading their cryptocurrency. The main purpose of this organization is to bring all the traders to a single platform from all over the world
Hardware: wallets differ from software wallets in that they store a user’s private keys on a hardware device like a USB. Although hardware wallets make transactions online, they are stored offline which delivers increased security. Hardware wallets can be compatible with several web interfaces and can support different currencies; it just depends on which one you decide to use. What’s more, making a transaction is easy. Users simply plug in their device to any internet enabled computer or device, enter a pin, send currency and confirm. Hardware wallets make it possible to easily transact while also keeping your money offline and away from danger.
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Digital BitBOX is a minimalist Bitcoin Hardware Wallet, which is packed with security and privacy:
YubiKey 4 offers strong authentication via our Yubico OTP service (one-time password):
Performance tREZOR: offers more security for your bitcoins / high security encryption trezor :
Yubico's FIDO U2F Security Key is a hardware authenticator with secure element supporting the Universal Second Factor (U2F) standard co-invented by Yubico :
Farsler 32GB 32GB High Speed Dual Fingerprint Digital Storage USB Memory Stick * Silver:
some of the storage capacity can be used for system documentation and maintenance, so the actual usable capacity of the key may be slightly less than indicated. On this USB key, the public location is 10 GB and the secure location with fingerprint authentication is 20 GB. :
iStorage IS-FL-DA-256-4 4GB DatAshur 256-Bit USB Encrypted Flash Drive: IStorage datAshur is the most secure, easy-to-use and affordable USB key in the world, using PIN access with military-grade 256-bit AES hardware encryption. The datAshur incorporates a rechargeable battery that allows the user to enter a 7-15 digit PIN on the keypad before connecting the reader to the USB port:
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