
Oceans 10 Most Terrifying Sharks

2017-12-24 3 Dailymotion

Which deadly shark would have you swimming for shore the quickest? Let us know in the comments below. Dont forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos like this one. Thanks for watching!\r
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5 - Shortfin Mako: The Shortfin Mako shark, also known as the Blue Pointer, comes from an ancient shark family that includes the Great White and the prehistoric Megalodon. It is one of the fastest sharks around, capable of reaching speeds over forty six miles per hour. It is extremely agile, especially for its size. Makos can grow to a length of over 15 feet and weigh as much as two thousand pounds. Despite its size, they have been known to leap completely out of the water when chasing prey. Sometimes this lands them in the middle of fishing boats and Makos have been known to inflict severe injuries even out of the water. There have been 45 recorded attacks by Makos, including three fatalities. \r
4 - Oceanic Whitetip: The Oceanic Whitetip shark was classified by Jacques Cousteau as “the most dangerous of all sharks”. It received its reputation due to its many documented attacks on humans, including many fatalities. However in most cases the Whitetip did not seek man out as its prey. The slow moving hunter is more opportunistic and the attacks on man have usually occurred due to humans being in the wrong place at the wrong time, often as a result of ship sinkings. During World War II, there were many reports of hundreds of troop fatalities due to Whitetips after vessels had been sunk. The shark is a capable killer and can grow to a length of over thirteen feet. It has large, powerful jaws and can be aggressive when food is around. This has also led them to engage in feeding frenzies with other sharks.\r
3 - Tiger: The Tiger shark is one of the most aggressive sharks in the sea. It gets its name from its temperament and the stripe pattern that runs down its sides. The Tiger shark is a scavenger and often eats anything it comes across. Some have called it the “garbage can of the sea”. While they commonly feed on fish, turtles, birds, seals, and dolphins, they have been known to eat bottles, tires, cats, pigs, or whatever finds itself in its path. The Tiger shark prefers to swim in sub tropical waters and can be found in the deeper water around tropical coasts. They are the fourth largest of all sharks, measuring up to sixteen feet long and weighing over a ton. Tiger sharks are like the tanks of the sea and possess an incredibly thick skin that is eight times thicker than cowhide. They have one of the largest jaws of all sharks which is lined with razor sharp serrated teeth, perfect for slicing prey. There have been one hundred and fifty five documented attacks on humans, with twenty nine fatalities, with most of the attacks occurring in Hawaii and Australia. \r
2 - Bull: The Bull shark is a shark that goes by many names, including Ganges, Nicaragua, River, Shovelnose, Bull Whaler, Swan River Whaler, Fitzroy Creek Whaler, Squarenose, and Van Rooyen. Despite the multiple personalities, everyone agrees this pugnacious shark is a killer, and many consider it the most dangerous of all the sharks. Its reputation is well founded. It is highly territorial and will attack other species when it feels threatened. And unlike other sharks, the Bull sharks territory is quite large, due to the f that it can tolerate fresh water. It prefers to swim in the shallow waters near the shore, but can also be found in rivers and even freshwater lakes. This large, powerful shark can grow up to eleven feet long and weigh up to seven hundred pounds. There have been over one hundred documented attacks on humans, with twenty six fatalities. \r
1 - Great White: The Great White shark is one of the worlds ultimate killing machines. Forever immortalized by the“Jaws”, the Great White can be found in every corner of the globe and are most often found along the coasts of South Africa, Australia, Japan, the United States and Mediterranean countries. It can grow to a length of over twenty five feet and can weigh over three tons. Despite its enormous size, the Great White can accelerate to over thirty five miles per hour when it has prey in its sights. Due to its mass, a Great White attack feels like being hit by a freight train and often will stun or kill its prey on imp. It has large jaws with several rows of three inch serrated teeth, perfect for rippling flesh of the seals and sea lions it preys on. It ually has very little interest in humans as we dont possess enough flesh to justify the effort. Most human attacks, of which there have been over four hu