
Buying and Storing Onions

2017-11-27 32 Dailymotion

Buying and Storing Onions

They are among the most common staples found in kitchens across the globe. Why? They are an essential base for so many great, flavourful meals from Indian to Canadian cuisine and are so incredibly diverse. Onions are a key ingredient in a soup, Greek salad or a decadent chip dip. The limit for their use is your own gastronomic imagination!
Storage onions have a dry papery skin and vary in size, shape and flavour. Varieties include: large white and red onions, yellow cooking onions, green onions or scallions, Spanish and Vidalia onions. Pearl, Cipollini and shallots are smaller onion varieties, that add a slightly sweet-smelling scent and flavour to many sauces and vinaigrettes.

What to look for when selecting:
Onions should feel firm without any sprouts forming from the top. Also avoid onions with powdery patches or black spots. Fresh onions should not have a scent. There are many types of onions, for a variety of applications! Refer to our information about varieties to find the type that suits your taste and use.

How to store:
Store onions in a cool, dark room with lots of ventilation. Don’t store in a plastic bag, as onion will respirate and create a moist environment, which may breed mould. All onion varieties should be kept cool and dry. The urban myth that pre-cut onions will make you ill is just that – a myth! Tightly wrap leftover cut onions in plastic wrap, and keep them in your refrigerator. Use within the week.