Awesome Sea Animals Fish Turtle Crabs and lots more Sea Creatures including Sally Lightfoot Crab, Moray Eel, Piranha, Blue Spotted Stingray, Pufferfish, Sea Lion, Goldfish, Loggerhead Turtle, Blue Crab, Giant Pacific Octopus, Guitarfish Shark Ray, Clownfish, Weedy Sea Dragon, Seahorse, Jellyfish, Spotted Seal, Horseshoe Crab with some amazing sea animals swimming by. Just a brief name and description - so relax and listen to the music! You may be mesmerised and doze off! Enjoy :D\r
New Videos are Uploaded at 12:00 (24 hr clock) UTC/GMT every Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturda\r
Fish in other languages Pescado, Peixe, Pesce, Cá, ปลา, 물고기, 魚\r
Shark in other languages tiburón Tubarão squalo cá mập 상어 鮫\r
Whale in other languages ballena baleia balena cá voi วาฬ 고래 鯨\r
Ray in other languages Rayo Raio raggio cá đuối รังสี レイ 레이\r
Dinosaurs dominated the Earth for over 165 million years, from the Triassic period around 252 million years ago through the Jurassic period and until the end of the Cretaceous period around 66 million years ago, when a mass extinction happened - possibly volcanic ivity or a gigantic asteroid which would effect the Earths temperature and weather dramatically. This whole period of time is known as the Mesozoic Era - often referred to as the Age of Dinosaurs. The first Dinosaur remains were discovered by a palaeontologist in 1824. Some of the largest dinosaurs were over 30 metres/90 feet long and up to 15 metres/45 feet tall. The smallest Dinosaur was about the size of a chicken. Some of the largest Dinosaurs like Argentinosaurs, Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus are herbivores (plant eaters). These long necked giants are Sauropods. Some herbivores like Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus have spikes horns plates club tails to help fight Carnivore (meat eating) Dinosaurs.\r
For more awesome Dinosaur Videos Wildlife Animal & Toy videos please visit \r
Amazing Sharks, Rays, Whales, Fish, Sea Turtles, Marine Mammals, Cephalopods, Crustaceans & Shellfish \r
Dinosaur collections 2016 \r
Dinosaur Fight Dinosaurs Battle 2016 \r
Dinosaur Collections new \r
Dinosaur Fight Dinosaurs Battle new \r
Dinosaur Collection new \r
Dinosaur Battle Dinosaur Fight new \r
Animals - Happy Cute Zoo Animals WILDLIFE and Insects \r
Dinosaur Train and Cute Dinosaurs \r
Thomas and Friends Thomas the Tank Engine \r
Frozen \r
Cool Dinosaur Puzzle Surprise Eggs and more \r
LPS Littlest Pet Shop & MLP My Little Pony Collections \r
Nemo Finding Nemo Fun and Adventures \r
Cookie Monster Elmo and Sesame Street Friends \r
Cool Play Doh \r
Cool Surprise Eggs, Kinder Surprise,Trash Packs,LPS, Disney and other awesome toys \r
Toy Reviews - Cool and Exciting - Dora Disney Planes Disney Cars Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog and more! \r
Some background Photos and Videos are Public Domain from and some are copyright protected and used with full written permission of the copyright owner.\r
“All This” &”Digya Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 \r
SFX from Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 \r
I am licensed by Apple, Inc. to use sound effects which are provided in the Final Cut Pro X App from Apple, Inc. for commercial use. \r
Email me at [email protected]