
Raspberry PI 2, GPIO, SPI, I2C and OneWire Setup

2017-11-21 1 Dailymotion

In this post of the Raspberry PIwe look at what is required to setup a Raspberry PI 2 after the initial Raspbian setup. It assumes you have completed sudo atp-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade or that you install is up to date and you can SSH into the PI from a console using TeraTerm or Putty (Or your own favourite SSH) app. \r
The process shows how to install and test all the various libraries we will need for the up coming tutorials on adding devices to the PI2 GPIO connector including I2C chips like ADCs and DACs, SPI devices like the 16bit port expander 23S17 from microchip and many others. \r
Just so you dont feel like its all install and no prical, In this video I also show how to connect and use a simple one wire device, the DS18B21 from Maxim : .\r
One of the libraries we will install is wiringpi by Gordon Henderson : a great set of libraries with support for an ever growing set of devices and allowing you to program in C but with the feel that you may be used to with an Arduino. More on this in future s \r
Another source of inspiration is the Adafruit tutorial , they have done a great job creating these and you should go have a look: Learn @ Adafruit and for the temp sensor, adafruits raspberry-pi lesson 11 ds18b20 temperature sensing\r
At time of posting I have already filmed the next instalment where I will show you how to control an ADC (ADS1115 - quad 16bit from TI), and two DACs (DAC8574 - quad 16bit, DAC8571 - Single 16bit) it will be posted as soon as Im done editing it\r
This preparation will flow into my Power supply project down the road as an example of how to integrate a reasonably powerful controller to the Analogue power system.\r
An added component in the design will also be a barrier I2C device to provide isolation between the PI and the Power side. Stay tuned