
Wing Chu Sil Lim Tao Course M2 2012

2019-02-21 24 Dailymotion

MODULE 2 Partner Technique Training

Having control is important to gain and maintain good position for yourself and is key in terms of your opponent. Whoever you face they will be living, breathing and responding actively to what ever you try to do. Energy drills train you to work systematically to control your opponent! Learn how to use the choke points and their responses to manipulate, find openings and launch your attack. Controlling yourself is controlling your opponent and controlling your opponent is controlling the outcome of the fight!

This second part of the course begins to open the door to how you use your Wing Chun. Now that your body has been prepared in MODULE 1 Master Wong will teach you the Energy drills and applications necessary to start attacking and defending with Sil Lim Tao. It is important to practise and master each move until it can be executed with speed, skill and genuine knock out power. You must learn to be aggressive and quickly defeat your enemy in preparation for facing multiple opponents in your advanced training. As before Master Wong acts as your personal teacher and demonstrator every step of the way! There is literally no way you can fail to get results if you follow the instruction and movements on screen!

Included in this section:

Punch (energy drill)
Lap sao (energy drill)
Gak sao (energy drill)
Elbow (energy drill)
Basic ground defence

After Completing MODULE 2 you are ready for your second GRADING. to evidence your achievement and prove you have reached the level of confidence and competency with your technique in attack, defence and controlled application! It is vital! that you reach a high standard of skill and confidence before you are ready to begin MODULE 3.