
Former FBI counter-terrorism expert: "The CIA created ISIS" (and more)

2017-11-15 404 Dailymotion

This man, Paul L. Williams, former FBI counter terrorism expert and formerly on FoxNews very regularly, became sick of his own dirty bussiness. It seems that, when his carreer rised to a certain level,he became aware that reality was even worse than he could have thought in his worst dreams.

Williams speaks frankly about oil & gas pipelines, Gladio, CIA, Fethullah Gülen, False Flag operations, mentions 9/11, the CIA creation of ISIS, Sadam Hussain, Gaddafi and Assad.
Seems very serious and well informed.

"False Flags have no basis in reality at all, and yet the American people buy it time in time in time again."
Interviewer is Sean Stone.


Deze man, Paul L. Williams, voormalig FBI-terrorismedeskundige en voorheen zeer regelmatig op FoxNews, knapte af van zijn eigen smerige zaken. Het lijkt erop dat toen zijn carrière op een zeker punt kwam, hij zich ervan bewust werd dat de realiteit nog erger was dan hij in zijn ergste dromen had kunnen denken.

Williams spreekt uitgebreid olie- en gaspijpleidingen, Gladio, CIA, Fethullah Gülen, False Flags, noemt 9/11, de huidige paus en de CIA-creatie van ISIS. Hij lijkt serieus en goed geïnformeerd.

"False Flag operaties hebben geen enkele basis in de werkelijkheid, en toch kopen de Amerikanen het keer op keer opnieuw."
Interviewer is Sean Stone.


My source of this video is NoWorldOrder.com
Published on Jul 21, 2017 on YouTube

"Starting @19:30 -- “We created ISIS. I mean ISIS is no less than the people up in Islamburg, no less then than Gülen. It is a CIA-creation. John McCain, for heavens sake, was over there with the ISIS officials. We created them. They came from Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian Liberation Front. These two organizations combined and they morphed into ISIS. It’s our creation! We created them and we still direct them! When ISIS warriors are injured in battle, where are they transported? They’re transported, for heavens sake, to Israel! They’re treated by Israelis in Israeli hospitals and brought back to battle!” ---------- Movie director Oliver Stone's son, Sean Stone, sits down with award-winning journalist and former FBI counter-terrorism consultant Paul L. Williams to learn more about “Operation Gladio” and the CIA’s historic affinity for propping up paramilitary groups across the world. Williams shares his experiences researching the murky history of Washington’s relations with the enigmatic Fethullah Gülen, an exiled Turkish statesman and clergyman, as well as documenting the CIA’s connections to the Taliban, ISIS, and far-right extremists in Europe and Latin America. Finally, we evaluate the modern-day implications of this complicated web of relationships."