
Using Go to build a REST API: yes, it’s a good match! - Vincent BEHAR & Mina GENDI - Paris API meetup #30 @Dailymotion HQ

2017-11-08 3 Dailymotion

Paris API meetup #30 (7th of November 2017) @Dailymotion HQ - "Using Go to build a REST API: yes, it’s a good match!"
by Vincent BEHAR (https://twitter.com/vbehar) and Mina GENDI (https://github.com/m-gendi), Senior backend developers at Dailymotion.

[Slides]: https://www.slideshare.net/Dailymotion/using-go-to-build-a-rest-api-yes-its-a-good-match-vincent-behar-mina-gendi-paris-api-meetup-30-dailymotion-hq/Dailymotion/using-go-to-build-a-rest-api-yes-its-a-good-match-vincent-behar-mina-gendi-paris-api-meetup-30-dailymotion-hq

Fast, easy to write/read and deploy, we know all that. But Go is also DSL friendly, so we’ll see how we can write a custom DSL to define our endpoints, and test them with BDD-style scenarios. We will also see how we can handle versioning, and the gotchas to avoid. And we’ll finish with some monitoring love, of course.

Paris API meetup #30 link: https://www.meetup.com/ParisAPI/events/243855587/?_locale=fr-FR