What happens when you mix blood types?
The clip you see here is B negative ( - ) and O negative ( - ) blood mixed together.
This blood mixes with no big problems and the red blood cells doesn't stick together.
The red blood cells will stick together when they have different molecule coating.
The B blood has one type of coating, but the O blood doesn't have any coating.
So there is only one kind of coating in the mixed blood, and the red blood cells will blend together with no problems.
The next test we will show is a B negative and a A positive blood blended together.
Most of the red blood cells stick together immediately.
This is because one of the blood type has a B molecule coating and the other has A molecule coating.
They will stick to each other like Velcro.
The blood is split into 4 different main types. A, B, AB and O.
The letter refers to a molecule that coats the surface of the cell wall (often referred to as a protein or sugar type).
The A blood has one type of coating while B blood has another type. AB has both types and O has non of the molecule coatings.
Some people also have another antigen (molecule that can trigger an immune system reaction) on the cell wall. If they have the antigen they are RhD positive (+), people who don't have this antigen are RhD negative (-)
So in the first test the B- blood has a B molecule coating but no antigen ( - ) and the O blood has no molecule coating and no antigen (-).
When an immune system that is used to blood with no antigen (negative -) gets introduced to blood with an antigen (positive +), the immune system will attack the antigen (+) and destroy the red blood cells that carry this antigen.
This happens because the immune system doesn't recognize the red blood cell as safe. This will happen in our second video where we had B- (no antigen), and A+ (which has the antigen). If you have (+) blood, you can receive (+) but also receive (-) because (-) doesn't have any antigens that the immune system will react to.
99% of China's population has the Rhd+ antigen in their blood.
There is also a lot of under categories of the blood, some blood types are so rare they only have 3 registered donors in the world! But we usually just stick to the ABO system as a main category.
What blood types can be mixed?
O- can only receive O-
O+ can receive O+, O-
A- can receive A-, O-
A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-
B- can receive B-, O-
B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-
AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-
AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-
Do you want to test a product that helps with cell communication and is scientifically proven to activate gene pathways? If so, feel free to get in touch.
Kim Ulvberget
[email protected]
Contact me if you are interested in a business opportunity to work with a product that is changing people's lives and transforming health on a whole new level. Chemical free, cruelty free and vegan.
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