
Princess Pool party w/ Princess spiderman, snow white, baby snow white, & frozen Elsa

2017-11-02 7 Dailymotion

Frozen Elsa, Snow White, & Baby snow white go to Spidermans princess only pool party. Spiderman watches the fun and decides he wants to join but hes not a princess :( Watch this funny superhero video.\r
Also in this video, Elsa loses her dress, pink spidergirl loses her hand, and Joker loses his shirt. \r
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Music: \r
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r
Music by Twin Musicom (twinmusicom.org)\r
Sound effects:\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 \r
Simone_Lacelle Dun Dun Dun\r
Nanakisan Evil Laugh