
Top 5 Places Highly Secured And Maintained Secretly On The Planet __ ప్రపంచంలో 5 రహస్యమైన ప్రదేశాలు

2017-10-30 1 Dailymotion

Managing risk on a personal, business, or industrial level comes down to having the right security. If important assets and people are safe and sound, then you have much less to worry about. Of course, some particular locations take their protection measures to the next level. We all know that many military facilities come with extra defense standards, but there are also a number of quirkier, less conventional institutions that work to ensure their property and people are secure from both natural and man made threats.

So where in the world could you be the safest? Following are some of the buildings considered to be the most secure on the planet.

The Doomsday Seed Vault – Svalsgaard

The Seed Vault is another underground bunker—this time dedicated to safeguarding all of the genetic codes required for the critical crops needed to reboot human-kind in the case of a world-wide doomsday event. The combination of reinforced concrete and steel housing these crucial genetic codes is so strong that it is capable of withstanding direct nuclear strikes, and it has already stood the test of a 6.2 magnitude earthquake. Designed to be sturdy enough to last longer than the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Doomsday Seed Vault sits deep within the ground of the artic, utilizing numerous complex electric cooling units to maintain a consistent internal temperature.

Cheyenne Mountain