
List Of Domestic Cat Breeds - You Should Know Before Adopt A Cats Part 1

2017-10-27 6 Dailymotion

List Of Domestic Cat Breeds - You Should Know Before Adopt A Cats\r
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Cats come in all shapes, sizes and temperaments. We cover the questions that will help you choose the right cat for your family and lifestyle.\r
1. Turkish Van\r
The Turkish Van is nicknamed the swimming cat for his love of water. Its not unusual to find him splashing in ponds, pools or any other water he can find. This is a smart, ive, loving cat with a silky, medium-length coat that is easy to groom. Most Vans are white with color on the head and tail.\r
Many Turkish Vans have a small mark between their shoulder blades called the thumbprint of God. Its thought to be good luck\r
2. Toyger Cat\r
The medium-size Toyger was created by crossing a Bengal cat with a striped domestic shorthair. He is all domestic cat, with no wild blood, but he was developed to have branching stripes and orange and black or brown coloration reminiscent of a tigers pattern.\r
DYK : A cat named Millwood Sharp Shooter helped make the Toyger a reality after his owner, a Bengal cat breeder, noticed tabby markings on his temple.\r
3. Tonkinese Cat\r
The Tonkinese is a medium-size cat with a solid body and a short, silky coat that comes in three patterns—solid, mink, or pointed—and eight colors. The Tonk is known for striking aqua eyes, but not all Tonkinese have them. Depending on their color and pattern, some have equally beautiful eyes ranging in color from sky blue to violet to greenish-gold.\r
DYK: One New Jersey cat breeder helped make Tonks popular by mentioning them on the show Jeopardy.\r
4. Somali Cat\r
If you love the confident air and athletic physique of the Abyssinian but prefer the glamour of a longhaired cat, take a look at the Abys sibling, the Somali, a foxy lady if ever there was one. Like the Abyssinian, the Somali bears a look of the wild and is charerized by large ears, a masked face, a full ruff, britches on the legs, a bushy tail and a ticked coat in ruddy, red, fawn and blue.\r
DYK : The Somali does not ually come from the African nation of Somalia but was given a name to match that of her short-coated sibling the Abyssinian.\r
5. Sphynx\r
The Sphynx seems like a contradiction: a hairless cat? But people who come to know him soon fall under the spell of this bald but beautiful feline. His warmth, humor and exotic appearance all combine to make him a favorite with cat lovers.\r
DYK: Sphynx may be hairless, but they are not hypoallergenic because they still produce dander, dead skin cells. There is no scientific evidence that any breed or cross breed is more or less allergenic than any other cat.\r
6. Turkish Angora\r
The Angora is a natural breed, not manmade, and existed in Turkey at least as far back as the 15th century. Angoras are usually thought of as white cats with blue or green eyes, but they come in many colors and patterns, including tortoiseshell, tabby and calico. They are a small to medium-size cat.\r
DYK: Turkish Angoras tend to be excellent swimmers. Some will even plunge into the bathtub, shower, or swimming pool with you.\r
7. Siberian\r
The national cat of Russia may have been the inspiration for the Beatles lyric “Come and keep your comrade warm.” The Siberian has a thick double coat with a neck ruff, perfect for surviving those cold northern Russia winters. Hes a sweetheart with an adventurous spirit and an agile, muscular body.\r
DYK: You may hear that the Siberian is a hypoallergenic breed, but that is not correct. Allergies are not caused by a particular coat type but by dander, the dead skin cells that are shed by all cats (and people, for that matter). There is no scientific evidence that any breed or cross breed is more or less allergenic than any other cat.\r
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