
WORST Tragedies During The Olympics!

2017-10-20 2 Dailymotion

Check out the worst tragedies during the olympics! This top 10 list explains some of the most tragic olympic accidents ever in history! \r
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6. 2016 Rio Olympics\r
Rather than any one event, the entire 2016 Rio Olympics was one long tragedy, even before the Olympic flame was lit.\r
As Brazil readied for the games, it faced a public health emergency, which raised concerns about the safety of spectators and participants. Also, an economic crisis facing the country even as it poured money into the event led to protest and riots. The country is in its longest recession since the 1930s and inflation has spiked. Many Brazilians began to protest all of the money poured into the Games, which led to riots in some places. To top it off, the president of Brazil stepped down from office during a corruption scandal. \r
During the opening ceremony itself, as the Olympic torch was taken to Rio, a jaguar was shot. It had been used as part of the ceremonies and when the big cat tried to escape, it was shot by a soldier. Jaguars are an endangered species and a symbol of Brazil and was kind of a bad omen.\r
The event itself was marred by accidents believed to be a result of poor organization. Here are just a few examples.\r
A road race ended in a competitor breaking his collarbone. A female bicyclist slipped and sustained frures to her spine. A French gymnast broke his leg during the mens vault event. A tumbler suffered a neck injury while somersaulting. High wind conditions during a rowing competition led to the capsizing of a boat. \r
Speaking of water, it was found that the waters the Olympians were to be swimming and boating in were full of human sewage. Officials pushed to clean up the water but, even as the games wrapped up, the stench of raw sewage could be smelled from a lagoon near the Olympic Park.\r
5. Luge Tragedy, Vancouver\r
Nodar Kumaritashvili, an athlete from the country of Georgia, was taking part in the luge event in the new Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The luge is considered the most dangerous of all Olympic sports, where the athlete lies back on a sled and races feet first, steering only with his hips or shoulders.\r
While on his final official training run, Nodar had a serious crash near the end of the 4,500-foot-long course. According to the International Olympic Committee, or IOC, Nodar was propelled off the track, after which he struck his head on a steel pole. Doctors were unable to revive him.\r
There were already questions about the tracks safety. Nikolas Rurua, Georgias deputy minister for culture and sports, stated that there had been other crashes at that spot. Sports reporter David Epstein said the Whistler track, where the accident occurred, was 15 to 20 miles faster than any track in the world. Such speeds could only lead to disaster.\r
But like in the case of skier Ross Milne, the IOC blamed the accident partially on Nodars inexperience. An American luger named Christian Niccum echoed the IOCs sentiment when he stated that the sled never left the course but that Nodar released it. According to Niccum, hanging onto to the sled is “Luge 101”.\r
Georgian officials pressured the Kumaritashvili family not to sue and push for an investigation. \r
Doubts, though, remain. One of Nodars friends and teammates, Levan Gureshidze, pointed out that the start for the luge, for both men and women, were lowered after the accident. He suggested that Olympic officials must have known something was wrong. Officials, though, claimed that asking athletes to start at the normal place would be too “emotionally difficult”. Nodars sister, Mari, wishes the family had ignored Georgian officials and pushed for a new investigation.\r
In new, Mont Hubbard, an American professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, published a study on the accident. He suggests that a curve in the ice of the track was responsible.\r
Today, a large monument depicting Nodar on a luge beneath the Olympic rings serves as his headstone in his home village. According to an article from new, cattle and pigs walk over the grave, despite promises from the Georgia government to build a barrier to help protect the monument.