
GIANT JURASSIC WORLD TOY DINOSAUR EGGs Surprise Opening Toys Dinosaurs Video for Kids

2017-10-19 5 Dailymotion

GIANT JURASSIC WORLD TOY DINOSAUR EGGS Surprise Opening Toys Dinosaurs Video for Kids. Whats inside the Huge GIANT JURASSIC WORLD DINOSAUR EGGS? Included Dinosaur Toys: Jurassic World Chompers: T-Rex, Dilophosaurus and Spinosaurus. Safaris Shunosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus dinosaur figures. And more dinosaur toy surprises! #HowISafari\r
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My research for this dinosaur video:\r
Shunosaurus, meaning Shu Lizard, pronounced SHOE-no-SORE-us\r
is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian) beds in Sichuan Province in China, 170 million years ago. The name derives from Shu, an ancient name for the Sichuan province.\r
Shunosaurus was first estimated to be 11 metres (36 ft) long; later and more complete finds indicated a somewhat smaller size. In new Gregory S. Paul estimated the length at 9.5 metres (31 ft), the weight at 3 metric tons (3.3 short tons).[2] Shunosaurus was very short-necked for a sauropod, being only surpassed in this respect by Brachytrachelopan.[3] The skulls found are mostly compressed or disarticulated and the interpretation of the head form has varied from broad, short and deep[4] to extremely narrow and pointed.[5] The upper and lower jaws were strongly curved upwards, allowing them to function as a pair of garden shears.\r
Physical Chareristics:\r
Long neck; low-slung heads; forelimbs shorter than hind limbs; bony club on end of tail\r
Carcharodontosaurus (car·char·o·don·to·saur·us) was one of the largest theropod carnivores alongside Giganotosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex and likely smaller than Spinosaurus. lived in North Africa. It grew to be 43 feet (13 meters) long at least, and about 13 feet (3.9 meters) tall at the hip, and 7-9 tons in weight. Although nobody can say for sure which large theropod would be the deadliest, Carcharodontosaurus is one of the strongest theropods of all time, making it a top contender. \r
Carcharodontosaurus was a carnivore, with enormous jaws and long, serrated teeth up to eight inches long. It probably hunted in packs like its much smaller cousin Allosaurus, but no fossil evidence of this exists. It may have been a scavenger as well as an ive predator. It had a large head with over 60 8-inch (19 cm.), blade-like teeth, which were designed to pierce and tear apart the flesh of its prey, which mostly consisted of the large sauropod Paralititan and a hadrosaur called Ouranosaurus. Its arms were somewhat short, but still longer than T. rexs and were quite strong. They had three claws on each of its fingers, which couldve been used to get a better grab and perhaps even used to kill some of its smaller prey. \r
Carcharodontosaurus had long, muscular legs, and fossilized trackways indicate that it could run about 20 miles per hour, although there is some controversy as to whether it ually did, because of its huge body mass.\r
Carcharodontosaurus lived in what is now Northern Africa from 105 to 94 million years ago. South America had likely just broken apart from Africa during that time, and its probably why Carcharodontosaurus and its relatives from South America are so al