From jobs you would never guess to the worlds most shocking here are the 13 of the Worlds Most Dangerous Jobs. Do you know anyone that work these jobs?\r
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7. Journalism\r
A new investigation done by the International Federation of Journalists reported that 96 journalists were killed between 1991 and new in Russia, a number that is by far the highest amongst the worlds twenty richest countries. Another troubling trend is that these killings were almost never solved. The most infamous of these murders happened in 2006. The victim was Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist known for her opposition to the policies of Vladimir Putin. The ensuing climate of fear and intimidation following the event led to a decrease in journalist fatalities in more recent years. Many people point to the 2006 incident as the end of free media in Russia as most news outlets have increasingly avoided criticizing the Kremlin ever since. The UN released a report that described more than 500 journalist fatalities around the world in a ten year period ending in new, making the profession one of the worlds most dangerous. \r
6. Trucking\r
A report was recently released in Australia saying that the countrys most dangerous job was truck driving. The pressure to drive long hours with unsafe loads (causing drivers to fall asleep on the job) and the drivers inability to raise concerns without jeopardizing their employment were cited as reasons behind why the occupation has become so hazardous. This was all part of a report that was released at a recently held Safety Summit that was organized to bring people in the trucking industry together with academics and politicians to try to solve the trucking crisis. \r
5. Skyscraper Window Cleaner\r
Apparently, owners of these high rise apartments in Dubai dont hire window cleaners as this resident was spotted cleaning his own, which happen to be around 360 feet above the ground. The perils of this dangerous profession are evident. People that are paid to clean windows have a tough job, especially in major cities where windows are often found resting hundreds of feet above the comfort of the ground. A scary incident occurred in new at 1 World Trade Center when two New York City Cleaners had to be rescued after a snapped cable left them stranded nearly 70 stories high. Luckily fatalities arent very common, at least in the U.S. From new to new only one fatality occurred per year in the profession. Of course, this doesnt account for daredevils like our friend from Dubai who do their own window cleaning. \r
4. Farming\r
Data gathered from Britains Office for National Statistics show that the most dangerous job in the U.K. from new to 2016 was farming. This may be somewhat surprising though it does make sense. Farmers work on giant pieces of machinery and work from heights. Farm animals are also potentially dangerous. Since new animal related incidents have accounted for 29 workplace fatalities in farming. All told 167 fatalities occurred in this decade in Britains agriculture industry. \r
3. Logging Workers\r
According to new figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics 4,821 total fatal injuries occurred to Americans while they were on the job during the year. With a rate of 111 fatalities per 100,000 workers, logging led the way as the countrys most statistically dangerous occupation, with 78 logers losing their lives on the job. This number increased from a total of 59 in new.\r
2. Construction \r
Construction workers face a plethora of dangers every single day they are on the job. These hazardous conditions make the job one of the most dangerous in the country and around the world. Of the 4,836 workers fatally injured on the job in the U.S. in new, 937 or just over 21% happened in the construction industry, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labors Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Heights are the most obvious threat faced by construction workers, a f that was supported by the numbers. 364 of the 937 fatalities happened as the result of a fall. The next closest cause of fatal incidents to construction laborers was being struck by an object, which resulted in 90 incidents. In New York alone 140 construction workers had fatal accidents from 2008 to May 2016.\r
1. White Helmets\r
Syrias civil war, which struck the country in new has ravaged the eastern section of the countrys biggest city, Aleppo. It has also created what has to be the most dangerous job in the world, working for the Syria Civil Defence. Known for wearing their signature white helmets, these people rush towards the site of a bombing attack while everyone else runs the other way to retrieve innocent survivors caught in the crossf