
Homemade Evap. Air Cooler! - The DIY Planter Box AC (air cooler) - up to 30F drop! - Easy Instr.

2017-10-17 2 Dailymotion

Homemade Evaporative Cooler. This DIY Window/Planter Box Air Cooler is simple to make, very sturdy and powerful. cools air up to 30F. full easy instructions. made using: plastic planter box, towel, one 2x3 (96) board, one 3/4 (48) wooden dowel, 12 2.5 wood screws, a fan and water. holds 2+ gallons. just add water, rotate towel to saturate and turn on fan. works best in dry climates (the drier the better - as it adds humidity to the air). cost: about $10.00 not including fan ($1.98 for board, $2.98 for dowel, $1.99 for towel, $1 for flower box and $2.29 for the wood screws). tips: use the thickest most absorbent towel you can find. rotate towel frequently (every 30 to 90 mins), try using cold water or adding ice for extra cooling. dry out towel after a days use. wooden dowel just slips out, so its easy to remove (or replace) the towel. the wooden stand can be used with any standard plastic planter box (18 24 36 etc. just alter the length of the wooden dowel). planter box in video is 24. towel used was 49 long by 29 wide originally. (i trimmed the width to 18.5 and kept the length the same). just sew the towel end to end). cut the 96 (8 foot) 2x3 into 8 pieces: Two 3.5 lengths, Two 4.5 lengths, Two 15 lengths and Two 25 lengths. cut the 48 (4 foot) 3/4 wooden dowel into 2 pieces. (approx. 19.5 each - but measure that carefully to fit your stand and flower box ). i used a 3/4 spade bit to cut the holes for the wooden dowels. drill about halfway through. the 12 wood screws are 2.5 long. i used a standard 20 box fan but all sorts of fans can be used. finally, this could easily be run off-grid using a DC fan (or fans) directly connected to a solar panel (or an AC fan connected to a small solar panel/battery system). note that the main body of the video is only 7 mins long. last 4 mins just show the second (a duplicate) wooden brace being built.