
Thomas and Friends - Sodor Steamworks - Spin and Fix Thomas - Old and New Compared!

2017-10-17 1 Dailymotion

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Thomas and Friends Sodor Steamworks!\r
Its time for a little something different! Today we take a look at the old Spin and Fix Thomas at Sodor Steamworks by Hit Toy Company and the newer Sodor Steamworks Repair Station by Fisher Price/Mattel!\r
A note on the older one is that the engines can be turned off once they are in the red cylinder cage thing, so no need to keep them running when they are getting repaired. Same goes for the newer one. If they need major repair work it might be a good idea to turn them off and save the batteries from being worn out! : )\r
Check out these other fun competition videos here on Toy Stew!\r
Thomas and Friends - Amazing Relay Race 59!\r
Thomas and Friends - Cross Track Mayhem 56!\r
Thomas and Friends - WSE-QE 57!\r
Thomas and Friends - Dash From Knapford 47!\r
Thomas and Friends - Back to the Sheds 3! Valentines Day Special\r
Thomas and Friends - King or Queen of Coal Mountain 39!\r
Thomas and Friends - Amazing Relay Race 58!\r
Thomas and Friends - Cross Track Mayhem 55!\r
Thomas and Friends - WSE-QE 56!\r
Thomas and Friends - Dash From Knapford 46!\r
Tomas və dostları, Thomas e seus amigos, En Thomas i els seus amics, 火車頭日記, 湯馬仕小火, Tomica i Prijatelji, Locomotiva Tomáš, Mašinka Tomáš, Thomas og Vennerne, Tuomas Veturi, Thomas et ses Amis, Thomas, die kleine Lokomotive, Thomas und seine Freunde, Τόμας το Τρενάκι, Tomas To Trenaki, थॉमस टैंक इंजन और दोस्तों, Thŏmasa ṭaiṅka in̄jana aura dōstōṁ, Thomas a Gözmozdony, Tommi togvagn og vinir hans, תומס הקטר וחברים, Il Trenino Thomas, きかんしゃトーマス, Kikansha Tōmasu, 꼬마기관차 토마스와 친구들, Thomas y sus Amigos, Tomas Un Draugi, توماس والأصدقاء, Thomas de Stoomlocomotief, Thomas og Vennene Hans, Lokomotivet Thomas, Tomek i Przyjaciele, Thomas o Trem Azul, Locomotiva Thomas și prietenii săi, Томас и друзья, Tomas is a Threud, Tomas i Drugari, Томас и другари, Thomas a jeho priatelia, Lokomotivček Tomaž in prijatelji, Thomas y sus Amigos, Thomas och Vännerna, 湯瑪士小火車, โทมัสและเพื่อน, Thomas ve Arkadaşları, Томас і Друзі, Thomas và những người bạn, Tomos ai Ffrindiau, Thomas at mga kaibigan\r
máquina de vapor mas fuerte\r
motores mais fortes vapor\r
강한 증기 엔진\r
stärkste Dampfmaschinen\r
moteurs à vapeur forts\r
mais forte motor\r
motor más fuerte\r
भाप इंजन\r
Music Credit:\r
EDM Detection Mode, Jaunty Gumption, River Valley Breakdown\r
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r