
How To Fix Hoverboard Spinning in Circles by itself or Violently Vibrating

2017-10-17 132 Dailymotion

If you have a hoverboard which either violently vibrates or spins in circles on its own even after you have stepped off the board you have an air pocket under the rubber foot grip.\r
In this video I will show you how to diagnose that you do indeed have this problem, as well as two ways to fix it. \r
The first fix is the proper fix and involves taking all the components out of the board and lifting the foot pad out from the bottom, making a slit in the rubber and putting it all back together.\r
The second easier fix, though not as ideal, but will work, is just taking a pin or an exo knife and making some holes in the rubber foot pad from the top. With this method you dont have to take the board apart.\r
Replacement Gyroscope (MALE) \r
Replacement Gyroscope (FEMALE) \r
Replacement Battery (SAFE) Properly Wired \r
Replacement Charging Port\r
Replacement Power Button\r
Replacement Charger\r