Minion poured the potion that Joker carried for his experiment. The potion turned into a puddle on the ground and it smelled terrible. Paw Patrol passed by and inhaled the puddles. Now Paw Patrol is in virtual reality and ready, like in a computer game, to shoot at everyone he meets on his way. Spiderman, Maleficent, Frozen Elsa and Minion are trying to stop Paw Patrol. They shoot at him and Paw Patrol spends their lives, like in a computer game. Paw Patrol lose and he is kind again now.\r
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Producer by: Valerii Hrytsenko\r
Frozen Elsa - Anastasia Panchenko\r
Spiderman / Spider man - V. Kulachek\r
Joker - Shyt Elina\r
Operator by: Vlad Poplavsky