
King Shell! 「GNOME 3.26」

2017-10-12 0 Dailymotion

*The UI Changes*
-Panel has automatic transparency
- There are Max/UnMax animations
- Virtual desktops thumbs are always hidden and smaller
- Windows on overview can now be 100% size
- Spaces between windows on overview are reduced
- Windows titles on overview are on window and visible on hover
- Search Overview has 5 results (instead of 3), there are also some ui changes and search providers can be sorted from settings
- Tiled windows can now be resized
- Multiple tiled windows can be fluid resized
- There is an inhibit new dialog (that i cannot run!)

and possibly more changes that i cant remember right now! Tiling isn't on master yet, but positive it will get next week!

another nice (not UI) change is that GJS is now uses Mozjs-52, and that will help extensions guys, with debugging and ES6 Classes

also Shell 3.26 is a bit faster than 3.24! not hugely faster, but easily noticeable!

definitely a very good Shell release!

King - Lauren Aquilina