
16 Most Insane Body Modification Procedures

2017-10-09 5 Dailymotion

From the woman with the largest breast implants to people suspended from piercings in their back these are shocking and real\r
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8. Skull Binding\r
What would you believe this skull belonged to if you came across one? Possibly the head of an alien? In many cultures, skull binding was done in order to give them an elongated head. Historians believe that the procedure happens when the babys skull is still mendable. The skull was wrapped tightly in cloth or even sometimes, held between two boards. This would prevent the skull from growing sideways and not vertically. Could extraterrestrials have possibly influenced people to perform this bizarre body mod?\r
7. Hole in Chin\r
Once you finally thought youve seen everything on the internet. Behold the hole in chin. Yes, its exly what it sounds like. Its almost like a hole in one but a lot more disturbing. While people think its cool to get their ears or lips gauged, this lovely couple got their skin on their chins pierced and stretched. Now they have another hole in which they can stick out their tongues and give a little smooch. \r
6. Suspension Mod\r
This body mod makes it a little difficult to walk and show off to your friends. Although it may seem to look a like a form of torture, people who partake in this ually say its not to painful. People with extreme body mods, dont want to admit to anything being painful though and prefer to use the word “sensation”. This guy has to have some serious sensations going on in the morning the next day. Any of our subscribers ever try this before? Please tell us about it in the comment section.\r
5. Breast Implants\r
Although this one maybe more acceptable by societal norms in the US some people push it to the absolute limits like this woman in the photo. This German adult model has the worlds biggests breasts and she wears an astonishing 32Z… Thats Z as in Zebra. According to one source, her surgically enhanced chest area weighs a total of 40 pounds. Thats 20 pounds each breast! When she was 31 she had an A cup. Meaning during her life, shes spanned the entire alphabet. \r
4. Nipple Removal\r
This person give the expression, “free the nipple” a whole meaning! This 18 year old Kareem had the bizarre procedure of getting both his nipples removed, in a not so legal body mod procedure in Bosnia. Removing his nipples wasnt enough however. He then kept them and planned to sell them to highest bidder! He posted on his twitter that nipples are pointless and he even got his belly button removed! Out of control! Some people will just do anything for attention nowadays.\r
3. Tongue Splitting\r
So youve decided that a normal tongue will no longer do and you want to consider a tongue split in order to look like your hero, lizardman, already mentioned on this list? The tongue split might be right up your alley. Although you should consider changing your mind. Watching this procedure almost seems like a cruel form of punishment. The tongue is clamped down, and a scalpel, basically slices the tongue in two.And you thought biting your tounge hurt! Dont by any means plan on having an important talk, or job interview with someone within a week because the you will not be able to talk properly for quite some time. Stitches are then needed to close the sides of the tongue where the incision was made. You can only imagine the “sensation” for this one. By separating the two sides this makes the tongue seem larger. This procedure commonly results in a speech impediment even well after its healed. \r
2. Eye Ball Ink\r
Our eyes are considered to be the window to the soul. So in what way can we completely alter these windows in order to make us look more BA? Would you be willing to go through a body modification that has the possibility of making you blind? If the possibility of going blind isnt enough to scare you off from having this dangerou procedure done, how about a hypodermic needle inserted into the eye? This is what people have to contemplate about before getting an eyeball tattoo have to. A syringe is basically inserted into the white part of the eye and injected with ink. One wrong move by the body modifications expert or the one getting the tattoo, can result in permanent blindness. \r
1. Elf Ears\r
With body modifications and plastic surgery reaching an all time popularity, we can basically look like anything we want nowadays. Even mythical creatures if we desire. In this procedure, a small piece of the ear cartilage is removed, then stitched together; resulting in a spock or elf like set of ears. Some people are ually born with a rare condition that results in pointed ears and pay to fix it. But people going through with this one pay to look lik