Hi Everyone,\r
Nick van Dutch here.\r
This Directors mode glitch allows you to buy anything for free in GTA Online. Downside is that all your purchases will not stay after you turn off console. This glitch is 100% SOLO.\r
Kevin \r
Funk TC\r
Before you get started:\r
1. From SP you need to find & unlock a NPC called Jesse (he is over on Del Perro Pier near Big Puffa & looks sorta like a hippy Jesus) then save that game. Any special charer should work\r
2. Play a job/game & make sure its in recent ivities. (Have Start GTA online button)\r
3. Franklin must own Grove Street Garage\r
Step 1 \r
From SP hit Start, R* Editor, Director Mode\r
Step 2 \r
Select your Online Charer\r
Step 3 \r
Walk around for a little bit then hold down on Dpad & select Trailer.\r
Step 4 \r
Go to PS4 Dashboard, Profile, Recent Activities, Claimed Bounty, Start GTA Online\r
Step 5 \r
Cancel the Alert\r
Step 6 \r
Now go to Special Charers, Select Jesse. (special charer zombie should also work. Tip from Marvin)\r
Step 7 \r
You should now be glitched out (no menu, cant move)\r
Step 8\r
Hit your interion menu\r
Step 9 (Listen to the bleeps)\r
Up on D pad 5 times, Hit X\r
Step 10 (Listen to the bleeps)\r
Up on D pad 1 more time, Hit X\r
Step 11 \r
You should now be able to move around\r
Step 12 \r
In the video i repeated step 4 but for some reason it didnt work for me anymore so hit: Options, Online, Gta online, Go\r
Step 13 \r
Accept this Alert\r
Step 14 \r
You should now load into a GTA Online session with Director Mode in top right hand corner of screen\r
Step 15 \r
Once you load in as long as Director Mode is still up top youre good to go!\r
Step 16 \r
Literally buy everything & your money stays the same ma dudes!!!!\r
Tested on PS4 & so far was able to buy all the High End & everything for free (office, yachts, gold jet, warstock, etc.) You can upgrade cars & all.\r
UPDATE: So far nothing is sticking when you leave session & come back.\r
You may have a hard time getting back online afterwards. Just Close App & Hold L1 + R1 right after you see the screen with woman in bikini, youll hear glass breaking & hear sirens. This will bring up the Calibration Screen & you should be able to get back online.\r
If you like my videos on my channel make sure to subscribe.\r
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Email: [email protected]\r
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Software Vortex by Nick van Dutch\r
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