
Arduino Project: Wireless Weather Station using Arduino Due, DHT22 sensor and NRF24L01+ modules!

2017-10-07 4 Dailymotion

In this Arduino Project video we build a Wireless Weather Station using the fast and powerful 32bit Arduino Due board. We measure the temperature and the humidity with a couple of DHT22 sensors and we communicate with the remote sensor using the 2.4GHz NRF24L01+ module. Lets see how to build this project! \r
Todays project is this. A Wireless Weather Station with a big 3.2” Color TFT display. As you can see, the project is up and running, and it displays the current date and time, the indoor temperature and humidity, and the outdoor temperature and humidity. The readings of the outdoor sensor are updated every second in order to demonstrate that we have a reliable communication link established with the transmitter which is outside at a distance of 5m. The readings of the indoor sensor are updated once every minute. The heart of the project is the fast Arduino Due, and as you can see there is no flickering of the screen when the values are updated. Lets now see the transmitter. \r
The transmitter is much simpler. It consists of an Arduino Nano, a DHT22 sensor and the NRF24L01 wireless transceiver module. The transmitter reads the temperature and the humidity every second, and sends them to the receiver via the NRF24L01 module. This is a one way communication link, we dont know if the receiver ually receives the data, but we send new data every second, so in case we miss a package we are going to receive another one soon. Lets now see how to build this project.\r
The parts needed for this project are these:\r
Arduino Due: \r
Arduino Mega: \r
Arduino Nano: \r
3.2 TFT display: \r
DHT22: \r
NRF24L01: \r
DS3231 RTC: \r
Small Breadboard: \r
Wires: \r
Header Pins: \r
Xiaomi Powerbank: \r
Full disclosure: All of the links above are affiliate links. I get a small percentage of each sale they generate. Thank you for your support!\r
NRF24L01: \r
DHT22: \r
DS3231: \r
You can download my latest Android Game which is called Drift Master 2017 here: \r