
Beyond Ultra Graphics Vanilla WoW Guide - Nostalrius/Elysium/Kronos/Crestfall

2017-10-06 21 Dailymotion

Beyond Ultra Graphics Vanilla WoW Guide - Nostalrius/Elysium/Kronos/Crestfall\r
Hi guys, as I said in my previous videos. I will try to make my vanilla experience feel fresh, specially with the launch of Elysium/Nostalrius. On this video Im showing you how to resurrect a 12 year old game giving him some enhanced video settings that will make it feel more vibrant and pleasant to play.\r
Here is the download link I showed in the video, keep in mind that you dont really need to replace the config, you can just set the graphics ultra in the video and apply the DevineENB addon.\r
Info about how to open the game console and all video commands:\r
A little bit more about DevineENB:\r
ENBSeries is a graphic modifications project for games. The main idea is to allow every gamer to configure how their game will look with their own style, so every player could share settings with others. Many games may look much better and ENBSeries is the easiest way to improve them.\r
This particular ENB is a modification of the GTA4 ENB from the main website, the URL is located below.\r
1) No game specific tools needed.\r
2) Small size of the modification.\r
3) Easy to install and uninstall.\r
4) No problems with banning in multiplayer games.\r
5) Easy to share configurations with others.\r
6) Controlled quality for optimal performance on your hardware.\r
7) Other graphical modifications can be used together with ENBSeries, with exceptions within common sense and LUA.\r
If you have low FPS even though your pc should be able to handle it, try SHIFT+F10 which will optimize the features to best support your FPS, after ivating the mod using SHIFT+F12. SHIFT+F9 enables or disables the bloom.\r
You can now re-map the keys needed to turn on and off settings, and you can now limit your FPS via the enbseres.ini file.\r
Under [INPUT] in the enb.ini file you will find the following:\r
You can use these lines in the file to change to your desired keys to use. f12, f11, f10 and f9 are set by default. Just replace with your choice.\r
To set exly what you want your FPS to be limited to, use the following line under the section [LIMITER]:\r
Change 60.0 to anything you want, but make sure .0 is after it.\r
If you prefer not to be ivating the mod every time you load up World of Warcraft, or re-ivate it every time you alt-tab and come back to the game, then use the following:\r
1) Open up enb.ini with Notepad or your favorite Text Editor software.\r
2) Locate the section called [Global], either by skimming or pressing Cntrl+F to search (if using Notepad)\r
3) You should see a line under the [Global] section as the following:\r
Change it to this:\r
Now you should have it load automatically, no more having to press and hold SHIFT and F12 to ivate the mod now. The ability to do that will still be in the main files by default though, because some people might prefer to ivate it manually.\r
Places where you can play vanilla-wow or will be available:\r
►Realm: \r
►Realm: \r
►Realm: \r
Crestfall wow\r
Nostalrius returns\r
Elysium \r
Vanilla 1.12.1 video settings\r
Nostalrius release