
1-0a Tutorial Battle, Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories

2008-07-10 230 Dailymotion

The Disgaea 2 tutorial and cutscenes... It's all about jumping in without taking some extra time to learn. Hell ( HL ) = currency or money. This is simplistic stuff here, basic teaching to help people further understand the mechanics of battle

Move the Cursor over the Base Panel and select units to enter battle with. Units in battle once moved and assigned an action can carry out said action from the menu with either 'Execute' or 'End Turn.' Units can cancel their movements and actions as long as they haven't yet executed an attack or ability.

Character Names:
Adell - Demon Hunter
Rozalin - Overlord's Daughter
Brazil - Fighter
Bertolt - Red Skull
Rasberry - Healer

Link to playlist as follows:
^ Organized videos in playlist ^