
How to Learn English Speaking in Urdu- Helping Verbs

2017-10-03 18 Dailymotion

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This video gives you a complete guidance about how to use helping verbs is, am, and are. These can help you learning most important conversation during routines.

Is video me aap seekhain ge kay kese aap is, am, are ko sentences me istemaal kar sakte hen. English ko urdu me sekhne kay liye ye best video he friends.

The primary auxiliaries is, am and are are used in the simple present tense to show the connection between the subject and a noun or adjective that comes after the verb.

Read the following sentence.

Archana is an architect.

Here the primary auxiliary is makes it clear that both the nouns Archana and architect refer to the same person.

The primary auxiliaries can also be used to talk about states or the feelings that a person is / was experiencing.

She is upset.

He is angry.

That is ridiculous.

The boy is hungry.

Another use of be is to make continuous and passive verb forms.

She is crying.

We are beaten.


Use is when the subject is a singular noun. Is is also used with the third person singular pronouns he, she and it.

Use are when the subject is a plural noun. Are is also used with the pronouns you, they and we.

Use am with the first person pronoun I.

Learn English in Urdu, Learn English in Hindi, English Learning, how to use sentences, learning english in urdu, 5 easy sentences to speak, how to speak fluent english, how to speak like natives,
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