
Jenny Play!스폰지밥장난감세트 프랭크톤으로부터집게리아를 지켜라 - Spongebob Squarepants Krusty Krab Playset

2017-10-02 2 Dailymotion

프랭크톤이 집게리아를 공격할려고해요 어떻게될까요 \r
The music in this video is You So Zany and Clowning Around by Audionautix, and Comedic Juggernaut by Kevin MacLeod and is being used in this video via Creative Commons licensing agreement (Public License). Under the Creative Commons agreement, this music is Licensed Material. The artists retain all rights, including copyrights, to these works. For more information about Creative Commons licensing, including information regarding the disclaimer of warranties, please visit the following page: