
6 Intense Exercises _ Combo of Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders and Core _ Ingrid Romero

2017-10-01 46 Dailymotion

Welcome to my all new home workout video series part 2!

In this video series we will be taking home workouts to a whole new level! The center of these exercises will be focusing on specific target muscles done at a cardio pace to give you the best workout and the best results.

Today’s workout is a combination of Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders and Core. Here is the equipment that we will need: A medicine ball, a set of Dumbbells that you are comfortable with, some water to keep yourself hydrated a towel and an open area for your workout. If you don’t have the equipment being used you can always improvise with things you have around the house like water jugs, a basketball or a gym bag filled with anything to give it some weight.

Be creative! Like I said earlier, this is going to be intense, effective and fun! Let’s Begin! 1:30 Warm up - 3, 30 Second Exercises - Burpees, Tricep Dips , Jump Lunges Workout #2 Upper Body - 60 seconds High Intensity 3-4 rounds!

1-Broad Jump + Punches Start standing with weights in your hands and feet slightly wider than hip width. Bend your knees, squat down and jump as far forward as you can. When you land, stay in a squatted position and do 4 front punches. After the 4th punch, do 3 little hops backward to return to your starting position.

2-Around the World + Spider Knees Start standing holding the sand bag. It’s important that you hold the handles that are parallel to one another. Start by rotating to the left as you guide the sandbag up your left side of your body, around the back of your head, down the right side of your body to return to the starting position. Immediately reverse the motion to perform an around the world in the opposite direction. After you’ve performed 2 around the worlds. come into a plank position and do 4 spider knees – pull your right knee to your right elbow and then your left knee to your left elbow – that’s 2 spider knees. Do 2 more and then repeat the entire exercise.

3-Out-Ins + Shoulder Press Start with the sandbag in hands resting at chest height, have knees bent in a low squatted position. Hop your feet out, hop them back in, hop them out and finally back in. As you push to standing, do 2 shoulder presses with the sandbag. After the 2nd shoulder press, return to the low squatted position to perform the 4 out-ins.

4-Push-ups Plank Position – lower your chest to the ground and then press the ground away! 6-Upright Row + Mountain Climbers Start in plank, do 10 mountain climbers. Hop to your feet grab the sandbag and as you stand up, engage your shoulders, raise your elbows to the sides and draw the bag straight up to chest height. That’s 1 upright row – do 4 and then return to plank. BURNOUT: 8 bicep curls,8 bicep out-ins, 7 bicep curls ,7 out-ins, 6 bicep curls ,6 bicep out-ins and so on down to 1 rep each.