
Yenn Time Ep 4 - V6 30v Passat Audi A4 A6 Oil Leak Repair - Valve Covers, Cam Seals, Tensioner

2017-10-01 64 Dailymotion

Yenn and Neko repair oil leaks coming from the top end of a 2001 Volkswagen Passat B5.5 with the 30 valve V6 ATQ. Oil was continuously dripping on the exhuast manifolds and causing a burning oil smell, especially while stopped at a stop light or idling in heavy traffic.\r
The same applies to the 2000-2005 Passats with that engine and the AMX B5.5 and B5 Passats with the ACK or APR engine (1997-2000) and the the Audi variant platforms with the same engine, including the 1994-1997 A6 and 1997-2001 A4.\r
The tensioner pads are replaced due to major wear (grooves and a hole in one of them), cam seals and plugs, tensioner gasket and half moon seal, valve cover gaskets, and RTV is applied where required per the latest TSB releases to eliminate oil leaks. A timing diagram was created to illustrate the nuances of the 30v DOHC timing complexity that occurs due to the differences from Passenger and Driver sides of the engine being slightly different.\r
Both crankcase breather hose assemblies are replaced along with the Suction Pump Vent Purge Valve to eliminate all sources of excess crankcase pressure from building up and causing the new seals to blow out.\r
The following are Links (affiliate) to Amazon for the parts used in the video:\r
Victor Reinz 67642 Engine Camshaft Seal. Order a Qty of 4: \r
Cam Tensioner Pads - You need to order a Qty of 2 to get 4 pads required for the engine: \r
Felpro VS 50702 R Valve Cover Gasket Set (affiate). Order a Qty of 1 to cover both sides of the engine: \r
Victor Reinz Cam Plugs. Order a Qty of 2: \r
Victor Reinz Tensioner Gasket Set. This includes 1 tensioner gasket and 1 Half-Moon seal. Order a Qty of 2: \r
Crankcase Breather Hoses. This is made by URO but is good quality. A little stiffer than OEM but certainly adequate for the price: \r
Crankcase Breather Hose to Intake Connector. This is made by Diften but is good quality. A little stiffer than OEM but certainly adequate for the price: \r
Suction Pump Vent Purge Valve: \r
Note: I am no longer distributing the It Works products.\r
I am licensed by Apple, Inc. to use Highlight Reel Short, Collins Avenue Short, Perspectives Short, Elysium Short audio clip(s) which are provided in the iMovie App from Apple, Inc. per the following license agreement: \r
This video is for entertainment purposes only. By watching this video you agree to indemnify any and all persons involved in the production of this video of any and all losses suffered as a result of or in relation to this video and/or information contained in the description.