
13 Unsolved Mysteries Caught on Tape

2017-09-30 87 Dailymotion

Unanswered questions when you watch these unsolved mysterious caught on tape like the boy who teleported or the ghost at Disney!\r
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9. Winged Creature in Indonesia\r
This bizarre glowing object came out of nowhere and was captured on camera. It falls down to the ground then disappears out of thin air. Some think its a ghost, others an angel. And many others believe its a hoax. Even before the video was published, many Indonesians began flocking to the sight, as if there were eye witnesses. Maybe science cant explain each and every mystery.\r
8. The Battery Man\r
This man from Serbia claims he can withstand voltage that stuns scientists and onlookers alike. A 20,000 volt current is enough to kill anyone except this person for some reason and holds the Guinness Worlds Record. He claims he canas insulator and can even cook hot dogs with electricity stored in his body. Theres quite a few videos online of his superhuman powers. His next goal is to charge a laser and be able to shoot it from his fingers! How could this even be possible? Someone explain this mystery.\r
7. Atacama Humanoid\r
There is no doubt among scientists that this creature discovered in the Atacama desert is 100% a real organism and not a hoax. What astounds them even more is that it contains only 91% human DNA and the rest of its genes are a complete mystery. Here in this video, you can see scientists conducting research. So what is it exly? It does not look human to me. Are we looking at the remains on of ual alien creature? Could this finally be evidence as aliens as we know it. X-rays of the skull show it to be rather deformed and unlike anything that of a human. If its not an alien, what is it? \r
6. The Ghost of Disneyland\r
If I was a ghost, I think the first place I would go is Disneyland! Here in this video, we see unedited security footage of a ghost-like figure walking around late night at the happiest place on earth. Luckily he gets to skip all the lines because its after closing time. No need for fast passes if you can get passed the lines undetected. There have been similar reportings of ghosts at disneyland, most specifically at the haunted mansion. Ok but seriously this camera footage makes you wonder if maybe that kid who was died on the Big Thunder mountain still haunts the theme park today.\r
5. Giant Squid\r
This giant squid was caught on camera is real according to the Discovery Channel. Its over 50 feet long and eyes are size of dinner plates. The Japanese camera crew went 3000 feet below the surface of the ocean to capture these remarkable images. You might want to think twice before taking a swim at the beach. Legends of squid even larger, have been reported to take down large fishing boats. Weve seen images of the Kraken that are a little bit larger. How big can these creatures ually get?\r
4. Ball Lightning\r
This mysterious natural phenomenon is still quite the controversial topic and has many scientists scratching their heads. Lighting seems to last for less than a second whereas ball lightning can last up to 10 seconds. Could these ually be some type of ghost still lingering around the sky? They seem to come out of nowhere and move in abrupt patterns. This has been reproduced in a laboratory but lack of physical evidence have dismissed many eyewitness testimonies. Could this possibly be some type of UFO weapon technology?\r
3. Ghosts at Hampton Court Palace\r
King Henry the Vİ once lived in this palace and the ghosts of his executed wifes are rumored to still roam the estate where they once lived. This figure was captured by CCTV and was on British television news once the video was released in October 2003. The mysterious object in the video was given the nickname skeletor. The doors that were being opened had no one behind them and were to an emergency exit that set off alarms. When security went to investigate, there was nothing there and the doors were closed. All they found were these images of a mysterious robed possible ghost.Judge for yourself.\r
2. Chinese Teleporter\r
During an interview on a Chinese news station, a camera man uncovers a mysterious man who seems to have lights glowing from his hands. He looks in complete shock and starts running as soon as other people notice him. The camera man begins to pursue him on foot. During the chase hes about to run through a bus, but miraculously he runs into the bus but disappears. Many people have their own opinions on this but wed like to hear what you think.\r
Japanese Tsunami Creature\r
The horrific Tsunami that struck Japan a few years ago caused villagers to record the incident on camera. While they were filming, something else caught their eye. The strange white object