
911 Call Released From Kardashian Dash Store Gun Point Robbery

2017-09-29 12 Dailymotion

Two chilling 911 calls from a distraught Dash store employee and an eyewitness have just been released following last Thursday’s shocking Los Angeles robbery. The female cashier was doing her job when a violent woman burst into the shop and pointed a gun at her face, saying “stay away from Cuba.”

The attacker, now known to be Maria Medrano was wearing a black skull shirt when she threatened the Kardashian store employees, according to a source. As the 911 caller said to police, Medrano knocked off merchandise from the counter and threatened to shoot the famous family’s employees if they didn’t stay away from Cuba. “I think it has something to do with [the Kardashians] travelling to Cuba,” said the terrified caller. “She pointed the gun at my face.”

During the call, the crying victim who was hiding in a back room with the rest of the boutique’s employees told officials that Medrano had returned to the store. This time, she was carrying a machete and was caught on camera threatening the Kardashian family. An eyewitness who also called 911 during the incident confirmed a robbery was taking place at the shop. Medrano has since been arrested for assault and criminal threat charges.

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The post 911 Call Released From Kardashian Dash Store Gun Point Robbery appeared first on Star Magazine.