
Yuno Gasai: Champion Spotlight

2017-09-28 1 Dailymotion

Yuno is a support, jungler, yandere, kawaii psychopath that wants nothing more than her Yuki. Yuno Gasai may look cute or as you guys would say, KawaiI Des, but dont let those looks fool you, because Yuno is psychopath that wouldnt be afraid to rip your dick off if she had to. She is from the anime Mirai Nikki (Future Diary).\r
DO you know the skin creator? I couldnt find them, email me or tweet me to who the creator is so i can credit!\r
Yuno Gasai also wields the unique ability to predict the future with her diary.\r
Abilities: \r
Passive: Yukıi\r
Yunos passive is Yukı, Yuno is a very obsessive girl who has an unhealthy obsession with a boy named Yuki, but because he isnt on the rift, Yuno has to find someone else to obsess over.\r
Q: Jealousy/Psycho mode\r
Yunos Qs passive is Jealousy. Yuno will build a jealousy bar when Yuki is getting attention from anyone else other than Yuno. A list of living things that make Yuno jealous consist of; enemy champions, jungle camps, ally champions, and even the shopkeeper.\r
W: Future Diary\r
Yuno Gasais W is Future Diary. Yuno has a unique diary that allows her to see into the future and reveal her surroundings. Activating Future Diary gives Yuno true sight of the area and the future.\r
Yunos E : Deus Sphere. \r
This ability can only be ivated in her god mode. Yuno summons spheres of time that obliterate everything in a radius. \r
Yunos Ultimate is July 28th, Happy End\r
F*cks Yuki and becomes the god of time and space.\r
Intro Mirai Nikki cover - Kuusou Mesorogiwi - Mirai Nikki OP 1 [piano] - \r
Mirai Nikki on Crack scenes from defibrillator - \r
Yunos english voice and beginning mirai nikki clips -Yunoinbox - \r
Green Screen effects for Yuno gasai - \r
Music at 3:10 - Lost City by David Levy \r
Links: \r
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