
AudioRecorder 2 (iOS8) : Record Regular Phone Calls Directly On Your iPhone - iOS 6 to iOS 8.x

2017-09-26 3 Dailymotion

AudioRecorder 2 (iOS8) : First iPhone Call Recorder Ever ! Record regular phone calls directly on your iPhone. \r
If you have been looking for a Cydia tweak that would let you record phone calls then stop looking and download the new AudioRecorder 2 tweak now. The tweak not only lets users record audio calls on their iPhone and iPad but also lets them record system audio, which means you can record any audio coming out of your iOS device. AudioRecorder 2 comes with tons of features and options that make it a worthy download and is much more powerful than the stock Voice Recorder app found on iOS.\r
With AudioRecorder 2 you can record audio for normal phone calls, Facetime audio and video calls, calls made on apps like Skype, Viber, Tango, LINE etc. On top of that you also get the ability to record any audio coming out of your device, something that is not possible with the stock recording app. The best thing about this tweak is that it keeps all the recordings safe on your devices local memory. You can also ivate the sync feature that will automatically transfer new records to your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts. Recordings can be shared with anyone, transferred to a PC as well as exported to third-party apps.\r
The tweak is packed with many handy features out of which my favorite is the ability for users to assign any cont to always record. Once you do that any call coming from that particular cont will be recorded and stored automatically. Users can also configure recording automation on app basis. So you can record all calls made on Skype while keeping the process manual on other applications.\r
Another useful feature of AudioRecorder 2 is that it can play a recorded message for your caller to let them know you are recording the call. You can turn this option on or off based on your personal preference.\r
It records directly on the device! There is no need for an internet connection when you record a call. Although Audio Recorder can automatically notify the other party that the call is being recorded, you should be aware that recording call conversations without the other partys consent is illegal in many countries. Check to comply with your countrys laws before buying or using this application. \r
The tweak that so many people have been waiting for is finally here! Audio Recorders price is $ 3.99 Version 0.7 Changes: Added full iOS 8.x and iPhone 6 support Version 0.5.x Changes: Added full iOS 7.x.x and iPhone 5S support, added option to transfer license on device .\r
Let us know what you think about the tweak in the comments section below.\r
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premier enregistreur iPhone Appel Ever! Enregistrez téléphone ordinaire appelle directement sur votre iPhone. \r
Soutenu 6.x iOS pour 8.x prend désormais en charge iOS 8.x y compris liPhone 6 et 6 Plus !!! Audio Recorder, le tweak donc prévu pour iPhone, est venu de prouver que ce était possible! Avec enregistreur audio, vous pouvez enregistrer les appels téléphoniques que vous devez écouter plus tard, tels que les appels daffaires, organiser un rendez etc et vous pouvez les stocker localement sur votre iPhone. \r
Vous pouvez ensuite les lire, de les envoyer à votre e-mail ou les supprimer. Il ya des options pour aviser automatiquement la partie à distance avec un message vocal dalerte que lappel sera enregistré au début de votre enregistrement. (Vous êtes responsable de livation ou la désivation de cette fonction de la loi de votre pays, puisque le consentement de lautre partie est nécessaire par la loi dans de nombreux pays) Audio Recorder ne utilise pas un serveur distant pour stocker vos appels, comme dautres applications utilisent comme une solution de contournement. Il enregistre directement sur lappareil! Il ny a pas besoin dune connexion Internet lorsque vous enregistrez un appel. \r
Bien Audio Recorder peut automatiquement aviser lautre partie que lappel est enregistré, vous devez être conscient que lenregistrement des conversations téléphoniques sans le consentement de lautre partie est illégale dans de nombreux pays. Vérifiez se conformer aux lois de votre pays avant dacheter ou dutiliser cette application. \r
Le tweak que tant de gens ont attendu est enfin là! Le prix de Audio Recorder est $ 3,99 Version 0.7 Changements: Ajout pleine 8.x iOS 6 et iPhone en charge la version 0.5.x Modifications: Ajout 7.xx iOS et lappui iPhone 5S, possibilité de transférer la licence sur le périphérique ajouté .\r
► inTro : Club Thump (Free Music )\r
► Music : Crimson Fly (Free Music )\r
► Theme : toyO theme\r
=== Sources =======================\r
insanelyi : \r
Xarold : \r
Bite Your Apple :