
Lab Grown Diamonds

2017-09-25 9 Dailymotion

‘When life gets hard remind yourself that diamonds are made under pressure’, the source of the diamond doesn’t matter, what matters is the process with which we get the clear crystal diamonds. Currently there are two sources to obtain diamonds- naturally occurring ‘mined’ diamonds and lab-grown synthetic diamonds. There has always been the debate-which one is better? As the two are almost indistinguishable from each other-only a trained gemologist can differentiate between the two.

To manufacture lab grown diamonds, intense pressure and heat is used to create diamonds of certain carats. The end result is a real diamond, complete with all the characteristics of a mined diamond. The only difference between mined diamonds and lab grown diamonds is that mined diamonds have been produced deep in the earth, with natural processes while manufactured lab grown diamonds have been produced in a lab with controlled conditions.

Lab grown diamonds are produced in two ways-High Pressure High Temperature(HPHT) or Chemical Vapour Deposition(CVD). The resultant diamonds produced are of much better quality and free of imperfections than the mined diamonds. That is one of the reasons why 99 per cent of the industrial grade diamonds in use is lab grown.

Many people are yet to realize the benefits of using lab-grown diamonds. Through our initiatives we want people to make the transition from mined diamonds to lab grown diamonds. With increasingly better technology throughout the years, lab grown diamonds are much more accessible to retail users. Come, let us together save the environment by using lab grown diamonds.

Visit For More Details:- http://www.labgrowndiamond.com