
iPhone 5S iOS 9.2.1 vs iOS 9.3 Beta 6 / Public Beta 6 Build #13E5231a Speed Comparison

2017-09-24 1 Dailymotion

Apple released iOS 9.3 Beta 6 Build #13E5231a to developers today \r
March 7th 2016, also Public Beta 6 was released simultaneously.\r
Let us check out beta 6 and see if it has improved vs iOS 9.2.1\r
Keep in mind that it is only a beta though.. Lets check it out.\r
Release notes will be posted in the video description when/if they become available.\r
Follow us on Twitter @iAppleBytes, and please subscribe\r
to the channel.\r
Music :\r
EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Source: \r
Artist: \r
Note :\r
All devices has been fully restored, and loaded with the same\r
backup. The 4S devices are 32GB versions, the 5 and 5S \r
devices are 16GB versions and the iPhone 6 are 64GB versions.