Sign up for the Small Screen Email Newsletter: Be the first to know when new episodes air on our site! This is The One Martini, if you ask me. Beyond the really annoying Chocotini, Appletini thing. I'm talking about more subtle variations -- more vermouth, less vermouth, a dash of olive brine, a dash of Scotch, blah blah. With the right ingredients, this archetypal cocktail doesn't need anything else. The Martini has even become iconic visual shorthand for "cocktail" -- check warning labels and outdoor sign icons. Ignore James Bond's assertion about shaking Martinis, he just wanted to sound like a tough guy. It's supposed to be quick and simple, but somehow it's taken on this air of mystery and reverence. Seems everyone who likes Martinis gets really anal about exactly how they like theirs. Remember to stir it right with a bar spoon from For the full recipe and instructions, watch this video on Small Screen: Grab a copy of Home Bar Basics: Recipe: 2 oz Old Tom gin 1 oz French vermouth 2 dashes orange bitters Instructions: Chill a cocktail glass in the freezer at least ten minutes. Add all ingredients to a mixing glass. Add a mix of ice cubes and cracked ice to cover well above the liquid level. Stir well to blend and chill with a bar spoon from Double-strain into the chilled glass. Pinch a lemon zest over the drink to express oils onto its surface, then rub the zest around the glass rim to coat. Discard the zest. Garnish with an olive pierced on a cocktail pick.