iOS 9.2 Beta 3 was released today to developers and\r
Beta 3 of the public Beta was also released. Think that\r
is the first time the developer and public beta version\r
was released at the same time.\r
So far I have not spotted any thing new.. See a short \r
summary of the release notes below.\r
Music is First to Last and Tremsz by Gunnar Olsen\r
Release notes\r
New / Fixes in Beta 2\r
iOS 9.2 beta 3 allows users to reload without Content Blockers and Request Desktop site by long tapping on the Reload button in Safari View Controller, as it does in Safari. \r
Enables Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) by default on Wi-Fi and on select carriers. It is designed to reduce network delays and reduce packet loss.