
যশোরবাসীকে বলছি - তথাকথিত নবীপ্রেমিকদের চিনে নিন। -মুফতি আবদুল্লাহ আল মাসুদ।।

2017-09-17 1 Dailymotion

Islam, Quran, Hadiths, History, Geo politics, The Life of Muhammad (SW), Caliphate, Rashidun,

Mufassil, Satanic Verses, al lat, al uzza, al manat, three daughters of Allah, Risalat, Muhammad (SW), ISIS, Muslims, Dayesh, Infidel, Crusade, Religious Conflict, Arab, Brutality, Mecca, Medina, Slavery, In Humanity, Slaughtering, Killing, Raping, Muhammad's Marriage Life, Quran is violated by Muhammad, Looting, Capturing, why people are leaving islam, ex muslims, Muslims leaving Islam, Women are leaving Islam,