
Secret Guns: Fully Automatic .22, Hip Mounted Pistol, Suppressed M1 Carbine

2017-09-13 4 Dailymotion

Recently weve been looking at a number of high-profile developments that came out of Special Operations Executive. Namely the infamous Welrod and Welwyn suppressed devices, and the Norm and Welgun experimental submachine guns. In this video, we take a look at some of the much lesser-known developments of the spy organization during the Second World War. A fully automatic .22 LR Colt Woodsman that had an excessive rate of fire, a hip mounted handgun that was designed to be shot while the user had their hands in the air, some fascinating cover stories that allowed the gunmaker John Wilkes Brothers to modify and repair small arms for SOE, and finally a highly modified and integrally suppressed M1 Carbine. Some of these small arms armed the agents parachuting into Fortress Europe and across lands captured by Imperial Japan, while others barely left the drawing board and served more as experiments of curiosity. However, all of these weapons were indicative of a time when the Allies were willing to throw any amount of effort at even a half-baked idea that would get Hitler or Tojo to surrender their empires quicker. \r
Many THANKS to:\r
Proxibid: Thousands Of Guns At Auction On Proxibid Now\r
Ventura Munitions: \r
Please Support Them! They help make our videos possible.\r
Hoppes No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner: A favorite since 1903\r
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