
Epic Temper Tanties - Kids throwing major temper tantrums

2017-09-10 32 Dailymotion

Epic Temper Tanties - Kids throwing major temper tantrums \r
Temper temper! Kids, we have all seen them loose it over something they dont like, something they want and cant have or for so many other reasons that cant be worked out, it is just ridiculous. But funny!\r
6 kids of various ages show us their best by cracking it big time and loosing control of themselves. Throwing themselves on the floor, kicking, screaming, yelling, its as funny as it is cringe worthy at times.\r
A young girl throws a major tantrum at her sister when her sister changes her Facebook password. She throws herself off the couch onto the floor and kicks and screams.\r
A blonde boy toddler cracks it bad outside and gives us the full 2 year old tantrum treatment while his parents watch on laughing.\r
A little Asian boy looses it because he cant get into a drawer to get something out.\r
An older boy, maybe about 8 to 10 cracks it at the beach when he looses his beach ball He just cant reconcile that it is gone. Beach ball, beach ball he wails over and over.\r
Another Asian toddler looses it at his mum, then starts hitting her while carrying on. She picks him up and the tantrum goes into overdrive,\r
Young kid ually videos himself giving a tantrum. You cant see him as eh is holding the camera but you can hear him go on and on and his parents talking to him. He realises he has the camera at the end and picks it up and looks into it.\r
If you are having a bad day and need something uplifting or looking for a few minutes of joy to bring a smile to your face, watching these kids looses their s**t will give you what you are looking for. Guaranteed to have you laughing at their tanties, this video will make your day brighter and lighten the mood. Kids, they truly do the darndest things!\r
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