
Rockstar Clothing Fashion For Men - How To Dress Like A Rockstar - Rock n Roll Style Clothing

2017-09-09 5 Dailymotion

https://www.makemethatguy.com Make Me That Guy | Men’s Fashion, Dating, Fitness & Nutrition London.
How to dress like a Rockstar! Here it is gents – the video that everyone keeps on asking us for! So how does one dress up like a Rockstar? It’s not as hard as most people make out. Just wear black everything, get some tattoos and ride a Harley Davidson right? Kind of..
Ollie Pearce breaks down rock n roll style fashion for men and explains exactly what you need to do to pull off this men's fashion style properly.
It is normally wearing everything black, yes but the style and fit make all the difference. You need some rips in the jeans for example and the boots need to be the right brand and style. Jewellery is important and even tattoos.
Do you agree with the tips in our video? Would you suggest anything that we may have missed out? Tell us in the comments below!
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Ollie Pearce is a professional model and fashion stylist with over ten years experience in the self-development industry, during which time he has worked with hundreds of clients, giving on- and off-line advice on Fashion, Fitness, Social Skills and Confidence.
The term “That Guy” is a concept not an individual, “That Guy” is who we are at our full potential and “That Guy” is what we push our students towards becoming. He is as successful as he can be in every area of his life, he has success with women, career and has good health.
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