
Shortcut Math Tricks(Square)- quickly square any 2 or 3 digit number_Passion for Learn - YouTube

2017-09-01 4 Dailymotion

Hello guys comma already we are made 4 videos for you. This 4 videos topic is shortcut math . In this 4 videos we discuss 4 shortcut technique for square. But in this video we shared a very useful technique for short cut math. If you use this technique you will calculate easily two or three digit number square. We hope that this video will going to be very useful for you.

✔Video Topic: Quickly square any 2 or 3 digit number
✔Watch all video on this series:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjBJfzdiEwdqca03kN3GKE2KdNMRoN5bh
✔Content maker & Tutor: Md Asif Ur Rahman
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